The future belongs to the elderly!

The future belongs to the elderly! Despite all the youth craze: the future belongs to the elderly. And it's high time we took the 60+ generation seriously. Why? One explanation. The population is ageing. That's nothing new. But now that 55-year-olds already make up the highest proportion of the population in Switzerland and more and more baby boomers are retiring by the dozen, it's time to take the 60+ generation seriously.

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Ex-CEO Microsoft Switzerland and start-up success story

Success story: seniors@work connects ex-CEO of Microsoft Switzerland & Start Up By Annette Ehrhardt, seniors@work Peter Waser, the former country head of Microsoft Switzerland and CEO of Starmind, has been increasingly active in the start-up world for several years, is involved in numerous projects and also holds several board mandates. He has also been a member of seniors@work for some time - from

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Gray Panthers against the shortage of skilled workers

  Gray panthers to combat the skills shortage - is this the solution? By Annette Ehrhardt, seniors@work, and Nicole B. Stucki, HR Director Selecta Switzerland Finding suitable employees, especially experienced specialists, is becoming increasingly difficult. In the discussion about solutions, one potential is usually overlooked: working with retired 60-75-year-olds and thus utilizing the immense wealth of experience of the older generation. With a shortage of skilled workers

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Client of the month (04/2022) Christian Witwicki courierfactory

Client of the month (04/2022): Christian Witwicki, courierfactory seniors@work: Mr. Witwicki, you are CEO and - together with your wife - founder of courierfactory GmbH, a specialist for appointment shipments in the pharmaceutical sector. You are a "manufactory" with 38 employees in Switzerland and Germany, where speed, precision and a very individual approach to each customer are important. They have already

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CARIFY & seniors@work - a lasting success story!

The Zurich start-up CARIFY ( is now known throughout the country as the largest platform for car subscriptions in Switzerland. Customers can change their car according to their mood (or the weather and season): a convertible in summer, an SUV in winter. The dream of many drivers! To ensure that the vehicles are delivered to the customer's home or workplace, CARIFY needs reliable

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Interview Alexis Annette

Meet our founders! A conversation with Alexis and Annette from seniors@work seniors@work: Alexis, you founded seniors@work in 2018 and are the heart and soul of the start-up. Why don't you introduce yourself to our readers? Alexis Weil: Yes, seniors@work is really close to my heart! About me: I'm 31 years old, come from Basel and studied Finance at the University of St. Gallen.

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Candidate of the month (03/2022): Iris Lentjes, HR Expert

Candidate of the month (03/2022): Iris Lentjes, HR expert seniors@work: Iris, as HR Manager and member of the Executive Board at a whole host of well-known companies such as Livit (Uto Albis), MSC, Bombardier and Weka Business Media, you can look back on an impressive career. And long before you retired, you also worked independently as a leadership coach and HR consultant. Today, at the age of 69,

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